
北京平谷 摆闸翼闸 闸机租赁

来源: | 发布日期:2024-07-03 09:21:21 | 浏览次数:






  1. 摆闸式闸机:适用于人流量较大的场所,如车站、地铁站等,能够快速、准确地识别并放行人员。

  2. 翼闸式闸机:设计精美,适用于高端场所,如会展中心、博物馆等,能够提升整体形象,同时确保人员有序通行。

  3. 定制闸机:根据客户需求,提供个性化定制服务,满足各种特殊场景下的使用需求。












  **Beijing Pinggu Swing Gate and Flap Barrier Rental Service**

  **Service Introduction**

  Yuantong Rental, a leading player in the rental service industry, specializes in providing efficient and convenient swing gate and flap barrier rental services for various events, exhibitions, conferences, and more. We deeply understand the importance of gate machines in crowd control and security management, and strive to provide our clients with the best rental experience.

  **Product Range**

  We offer a wide range of swing gate and flap barrier products, including but not limited to:

  1. Swing Gate Machines: Suitable for high-traffic areas such as train stations and subway stations, they can quickly and accurately identify and allow personnel to pass.

  2. Flap Barrier Machines: With exquisite design, they are suitable for high-end venues such as exhibition centers and museums, enhancing the overall image while ensuring orderly passage of personnel.

  3. Customized Gate Machines: We provide personalized customization services based on client needs to meet the use requirements in various special scenarios.

  **Service Process and Fees**

  Our service process is simple and efficient. Clients only need to inform us of their usage needs, rental time, and location in advance. We will quickly arrange professional staff to install and commission the gate machines to ensure their normal operation. In terms of fees, we determine prices reasonably based on factors such as gate machine type and rental time, ensuring fair and transparent pricing without any hidden charges.

  **Service Coverage**

  Yuantong Rental has a widespread service network in Beijing Pinggu, covering multiple districts and counties under the jurisdiction of Pinggu District, including but not limited to Mafang Town, Yukou Town, Xiagezhuang Town, Nandulehe Town, Jinhaihu Town, Dahua Mountain Town, Xinggu Street, Yuyang Area, and Binhe Street. No matter where you are, you can enjoy our convenient and efficient rental services.

  **A Little Story from Our Service**

  During a large-scale exhibition event, we provided a rental service for a well-known enterprise using swing gate machines. Due to the huge crowd flow, the originally preset number of gate machines could not meet the demand. Facing this unexpected situation, we quickly mobilized the surrounding inventory and increased the number of gate machines, ensuring the smooth progress of the exhibition event. The client highly praised our efficient response and professional service.

  **Other Main Businesses**


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