

来源:缘通租赁 | 发布日期:2023-11-07 17:23:24 | 浏览次数:










  Design of general public building safety prevention engineering:

  General public building security engineering includes security protection engineering for newly built, expanded, and renovated office buildings, hotel buildings, commercial buildings (shopping malls, supermarkets), cultural buildings (sports, entertainment), etc. The safety prevention engineering of general public buildings should be designed and configured according to the different usage functions and construction standards of specific buildings. General public building safety prevention projects are divided into three types, from low to high, based on factors such as safety management requirements, construction investment, system scale, and system function. They are basic, advanced, and advanced. Among them, basic safety prevention engineering must meet the basic requirements for safety prevention management, with a focus on the requirements of physical and civil defense; The enhanced security prevention project has added corresponding technical protection function requirements and system equipment configuration requirements; Advanced security prevention engineering should be a security prevention system with complete technical prevention functions, complete system equipment configuration, and high technical level.

  Design of general public building security system defense areas and parts:

  (1) Perimeter: The outer perimeter of individual buildings, building groups, squares outside buildings, external walls around buildings, ground floors, top floors of buildings, etc.

  (2) Outbound population: Outbound population from buildings, building clusters, ground floors, office doors, passages within and/or between buildings, safety exits, evacuation exits, parking lots, etc.

  (3) Public areas: reception hall, business center, shopping center, conference hall, bar, coffee shop, function conversion floor, refuge floor, parking lot, etc.

  (4) Channels: Main channels within the perimeter, foyer (lobby), internal channels on each floor of the building, elevator lobbies on each floor, escalator exits, etc.

  (5) Important locations: important studios, financial cashier rooms, building mechanical and electrical equipment monitoring centers, information rooms, important item warehouses, monitoring centers, etc.

  Note that general public building safety prevention engineering should determine the areas and parts to be fortified in accordance with the basic requirements of safety prevention management work. The engineering designer should select the parts (or targets) and areas listed in this article according to the requirements of the project design task book, and implement partial or full fortification.


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